Tuesday, October 26, 2010

warm up: Poseidon

Don't know if I've actually announced this anywhere officially, but volume 5 of the Olympians of going to be dedicated to the god of the sea himself, Poseidon. As a result, I've been spending a lot of time in  my sketchbook getting used to drawing the old Earth Shaker. I'll be posting a lot more sketchbooky goodness so check back often.


  1. can he shot lighting from his trident.

  2. Hmm, this is hard to say. Lightning is normally the province of his brother, Zeus, whereas Poseidon's trident is more regularly associated with causing earthquakes. I will say, though, that the ancient Greeks were less strict about whose power was what than we tend to be now-- I can imagine there being, somewhere in the vastness of Greek myth, an instance in which Poseidon shoots lighting, just as I can imagine Zeus creating an earthquake or tsunami. It certainly wouldn't be regular occurrence, and I doubt very much you will ever see it in my books. Does that help?

  3. is the trojan war gonna be in book 5.
    my i ask this i didn't get a chance to get my books autographed is there way i can get them autographaed

  4. Bug your teachers to have me at your school again ;)

  5. wich books will the trojan war be in
