Monday, December 13, 2010

Progress Report: Some almost sorta kinda finished color pages of Hades

So I've been working on coloring the finished black and white artwork for Olympians Book 4, Hades: The I-don't-remember-the-new-subtitle the past few weeks. Last Friday I took a break from that to make an appearance at the Little Red Schoolhouse in NYC; as part of my presentation, I showed the students there a bunch of the almost-finished colored pages from Hades. And since I showed it to them, I figured I should also show them to you, the dedicated readers of this blog.

The above pages are not finished-- there are a lot of subtle gradients, details and color tweaks still to be added-- but there's enough there to give you an idea of what to expect from the final book. How do you like 'em so far?


  1. This looks really awesome!I am looking more and more forward to seeing the finish product.

  2. I think my computer just wet itself prosessing that.

  3. Uh, thanks? Hopefully it's water resistant.

  4. when dose the book come out
    from john

  5. in the first book the titans were a little to much reviling dont you think

  6. the two bover were frome john horn
